The Diplomat | Author

Jacob Parakilas
Jacob Parakilas is an author, consultant, and analyst working on U.S. foreign policy and international security.
He has over a decade’s professional experience spanning think tanks, NGOs, the U.S. government, and academia. He started his career in 2007 working on student visa issues for the U.S. government before returning to academia and earning a Ph.D. at the London School of Economics. From 2014 until 2019 he was the deputy head of the U.S. and the Americas Programme at Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, where his job was to explain the key issues in U.S. foreign and domestic policy to non-American audiences. Jacob is currently based in Lagos, Nigeria, and is also an Associate with LSE IDEAS.

August 06, 2021
The China-US Arms Trade Arms Race
By Jacob Parakilas

July 28, 2021
Emergency Fighters and National Resilience
By Jacob Parakilas

July 16, 2021
Going Big Might Not Bring Back the Age of the Airship
By Jacob Parakilas

July 08, 2021
Donald Rumsfeld, Technical Innovation, and the Scarcity Mindset
By Jacob Parakilas

June 25, 2021
Is There Anything New Under the Technological Sun?
By Jacob Parakilas

June 12, 2021
The Promise and Peril of Technological Competition
By Jacob Parakilas

June 02, 2021
What Would a Modern ‘National Flagship’ Actually Look Like?
By Jacob Parakilas

June 01, 2021
Reimagining the Future of China-US Competition
By Jacob Parakilas

May 19, 2021
UFOs, Secrets, and Signaling
By Jacob Parakilas

May 05, 2021
Are Augmented Humans the Future of War?
By Jacob Parakilas

April 29, 2021
The Coming Age of Strategic Annoyance
By Jacob Parakilas