The Diplomat | Author

Vishal Arora
Vishal Arora is a New Delhi-based journalist who writes, and produces video features, on politics, culture, religion, foreign affairs and human rights in South and Southeast Asia.
Vishal Arora is a New Delhi-based journalist. He writes, and produces video features, on politics, culture, religion, foreign affairs and human rights in South and Southeast Asia. His articles have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, and many other outlets.
Follow him on Twitter at @vishalarora_in
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July 18, 2017
Can Nepal Be Another ‘Switzerland’?
By Vishal Arora
Do Nepali leaders really know what makes Switzerland a success story?

July 13, 2017
Nepal’s Earthquake Through the Eyes of a Poet
By Vishal Arora
Responding to the trauma of Nepal's great tragedy through poetry.

June 28, 2017
The Slow Death of Kashmir's Dal Lake
By Vishal Arora
Kashmir's crown jewel is "dying," according to the man behind a new documentary.

June 13, 2017
Is Press Freedom Under Attack in India?
By Vishal Arora
Paranjoy Guha Thakurta discusses media freedom in light of the recent raid on NDTV's founders.

June 07, 2017
Quitting the Corporate World to Promote India's Indie Cinema
By Vishal Arora
"People thought I was crazy, thought it was just a whimsical idea."

May 29, 2017
Meet India’s ‘Tree Doctor’
By Vishal Arora
Urban conservationist Vijay Nishanth is on a quest to save India's trees.

May 23, 2017
A Northeast Indian Woman on Sexual Abuse in Big Cities
By Vishal Arora
Vida Z. shares her experience with the troubling intersection of racism and sexual harassment.

May 18, 2017
Helping Women Travel Alone Amid India’s Rape Problem
By Vishal Arora
Malini Gowrishankar's start-up encourages women to travel by themselves, without fear.

May 15, 2017
Inside the Mind of a Hindu Nationalist
By Vishal Arora and Parul Abrol
A Hindu nationalist foot soldier shares his worldview.

April 24, 2017
Exploring Kathmandu’s ‘Dark Star’
By Vishal Arora
Author Rabi Thapa takes viewers on a tour of Kathmandu's tourist hotspot-cum-red light district.

April 24, 2017
Nepal’s Ex-Maoist Child Soldier Shares Plight of His 3,000 Peers
By Vishal Arora
About 3,000 former child soldiers in Nepal remain jobless.

April 18, 2017
Silence Is Beautiful: A Nepali Café's Deaf Servers
By Vishal Arora
Sam’s One Tree Café in Kathmandu, Nepal employs 20 deaf waiters.