
East Asia

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China’s Bid to Write the Global Rules on Data Security

China’s Bid to Write the Global Rules on Data Security

By Shannon Tiezzi
The new “Global Initiative on Data Security” is an attempt to wrest control of the data security narrative away from the U.S.
North Korea’s Kim Urges Quick Recovery From Typhoon Damage

North Korea’s Kim Urges Quick Recovery From Typhoon Damage

By Associated Press
Kim Jong Un is seeking to bolster unity at home in the face of economic setbacks and external pressure.

Is China Really Embracing ‘Wolf Warrior’ Diplomacy?

Is China Really Embracing ‘Wolf Warrior’ Diplomacy?

By Dingding Chen
China’s pugnacious diplomatic action is a counter-attack in a specific situation, not a new normal.

The Sino-British Joint Declaration and International Law

The Sino-British Joint Declaration and International Law

By Simon Shen
Is there a role for international courts in upholding the Sino-British Joint Declaration on Hong Kong?

China’s Air Force Might Be Back in the Nuclear Business

China’s Air Force Might Be Back in the Nuclear Business

By Roderick Lee
Circumstantial evidence suggests that China now possesses a full nuclear triad.
China Detains 23 in Crackdown on Inner Mongolia Protests

China Detains 23 in Crackdown on Inner Mongolia Protests

By Associated Press
The government is taking a heavy handed approach to protests over a new Mandarin-language education policy.

Is North Korea Changing Its Approach to Journalism?

Is North Korea Changing Its Approach to Journalism?

By Tae-jun Kang
A new report from a North Korean university stresses the importance of using social media in reporting.
China’s Most Strained Relations Are With Its Most Valuable Trading Partners

China’s Most Strained Relations Are With Its Most Valuable Trading Partners

By Bala Ramasamy, Mathew Yeung, and Wu Howei
A new study shows that the countries most soured on China are also its most important trading partners. Something has to give.

A China-Centered Order Is Not Inevitable

A China-Centered Order Is Not Inevitable

By Valérie Niquet and Walter Lohman
The pandemic has revealed is that the shift of global leadership toward a China-centered Asia is neither inevitable nor desired.

Will South Korea’s Yoo Myung-hee Be the Next WTO Leader?

Will South Korea’s Yoo Myung-hee Be the Next WTO Leader?

By Duncan Bartlet
Complex power games surround the choice of the next director general. Will Yoo’s South Korean nationality be a help or a hindrance in her bid?

How Strong Are the Ropes That Bind the Japanese Military?

How Strong Are the Ropes That Bind the Japanese Military?

By Robert Farley
It is difficult to imagine that Japanese leadership would not use offensive weapons if Tokyo believed an attack was imminent.
Triangles of Instability: Nuclear Dilemmas and How They Feed into Each Other

Triangles of Instability: Nuclear Dilemmas and How They Feed into Each Other

By Abhijnan Rej
Two overlapping triangular nuclear relationships could compound risks and complicate deterrence calculi for all the parties involved.

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