
East Asia

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Lawmakers Ejected in Scuffles at Hong Kong’s Legislature

Lawmakers Ejected in Scuffles at Hong Kong’s Legislature

By Associated Press
The fracas, centered on control of the House Committee, pitted pro-democracy and pro-Beijing faction against each other.
Should China Worry About the Russia-US Reset?

Should China Worry About the Russia-US Reset?

By (Frank) Ka-Ho Wong
It's unlikely even the coronavirus will be enough to thaw U.S.-Russia ties -- and break China-Russia bonds.

China’s Daunting Post-COVID Challenges

China’s Daunting Post-COVID Challenges

By Bao Huaying
Blamed as the cause of the pandemic, China now has to confront severe political, diplomatic, and economic challenges.

China’s Control of the Mekong

China’s Control of the Mekong

By Philip Citowicki
Whether through its own dams or the financing and construction of dams in other countries, China is largely in the driver’s seat when it comes to the Mekong.

Can China’s Electric Car Industry Weather the COVID-19 Storm?

Can China’s Electric Car Industry Weather the COVID-19 Storm?

By Eleanor Albert
The booming industry faced headwinds even before the massive economic upheaval brought by the pandemic.
Pompeo Urges Tedros to Invite Taiwan to WHA as More Countries Join Campaign

Pompeo Urges Tedros to Invite Taiwan to WHA as More Countries Join Campaign

By Nick Aspinwall
Australia and New Zealand have hopped on board a growing U.S.-backed campaign for Taiwan to participate in the World Health Assembly as an observer.

Japan Navigates an Extended National Emergency

Japan Navigates an Extended National Emergency

By Thisanka Siripala
New social guidelines detail public health manners aimed at easing pressure on hospitals in the COVID-19 era.
China and Gulf Security: Conspicuous By Its Absence

China and Gulf Security: Conspicuous By Its Absence

By Bonnie Girard
Countries from Europe to East Asia are conducting patrols to ensure safe shipping lanes through the Gulf. Why isn't China taking part?

How China’s Belt and Road Initiative Went Astray

How China’s Belt and Road Initiative Went Astray

By Chan Kung and Yu (Tony) Pan
In taking on geopolitical overtones, the BRI has become alienated from its original economic purpose.

Japan Cuts One Aegis Ashore Site Amid Sustained Local Opposition

Japan Cuts One Aegis Ashore Site Amid Sustained Local Opposition

By Ankit Panda
Japanese authorities will survey new candidate sites nearby.

Japan Should Have a Serious Debate on Revising Its Constitution—But Not Now

Japan Should Have a Serious Debate on Revising Its Constitution—But Not Now

By Rintaro Nishimura
Shinzo Abe is right about the need for a debate, but the time is not right.
Is China’s Stealth Bomber Due to Make an Appearance Soon?

Is China’s Stealth Bomber Due to Make an Appearance Soon?

By Robert Farley
The Xian H-20 has people talking again. Will it show up in November this year?

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