
East Asia

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Japan's 'New Approach' to Russia

Japan's 'New Approach' to Russia

By James D.J. Brown
Abe hopes economic interactions will help compel Russia to compromise on a territorial dispute.
After the South China Sea Ruling

After the South China Sea Ruling

By Tuan N. Pham
The long-awaited Tribunal’s merits ruling will come soon. What happens then?

South China Sea: A Legal Analysis of China's Maritime Claims

South China Sea: A Legal Analysis of China's Maritime Claims

By Tuan N. Pham
How China seeks to shape maritime law to legitimize its claims.

China in Central and Eastern Europe: 4 Myths

China in Central and Eastern Europe: 4 Myths

By Dragan Pavlićević
Debunking four myths about China's "16+1" platform with Central and Eastern Europe.

East Asia’s Last Undammed River

East Asia’s Last Undammed River

By Tom Fawthrop
The Salween is one of the last major rivers undammed along its entire course. Can it stay that way?
How Beijing Turned Koreans Into Chinese

How Beijing Turned Koreans Into Chinese

By Steven Denney and Christopher Green
Beijing's success at fostering national unity has most ethnic Koreans in northeast China identifying as Chinese.

The Quest to Revise Japan's Constitution

The Quest to Revise Japan's Constitution

By Koji Sonoda
The Japan Conference is shaping public opinion using grassroots methods, in tandem with PM Shinzo Abe’s strategy.
Is China Winning in the South China Sea?

Is China Winning in the South China Sea?

By Philip Reynolds
What if the U.S. is playing right into China's hands with military maneuvering in the South China Sea?

The Farming Palettes of Yunnan

The Farming Palettes of Yunnan

By Sugato Mukherjee
The farming area of Dongchuan offers some stunning, multicolor vistas.

North Korea: What Now?

North Korea: What Now?

By Aidan Foster-Carter
Nothing new came out of Pyongyang’s rare Party Congress. Can Kim Jong-un have his yellowcake and eat it too?

Iranian Energy and Japanese Technology

Iranian Energy and Japanese Technology

By Scilla Alecci, Alessia Cerantola, and Denise Hassanzade Ajiri
The Panama Papers shed light on Iran’s plans for self-sufficiency and Japan’s role in tech development.
Taiwan's 'New Era' and the Legislative Yuan

Taiwan's 'New Era' and the Legislative Yuan

By Shannon Tiezzi
For the first time, the DPP must transition from an opposition to a governing party in the legislature.

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