
East Asia

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China’s Halal Constitution

China’s Halal Constitution

By Matthew S. Erie
“Islamic” legislation stirs debate as the PRC engages the Muslim world.
China’s Emerging Cyberspace Strategy

China’s Emerging Cyberspace Strategy

By Lu Chuanying
A closer look at China's cyber strategy, and what it means for the world.

Why Does China Want to Control the South China Sea?

Why Does China Want to Control the South China Sea?

By Donald K. Emmerson
China's possible motives for trying to secure control over the South China Sea.

Tsai Ing-wen’s Limited Options on Cross-Strait Relations

Tsai Ing-wen’s Limited Options on Cross-Strait Relations

By Zhimin Lin and Jianwei Wang
Domestic, economic, and geopolitical realities will hamper Tsai's ability to craft cross-strait policy.

How China Remembers the Cultural Revolution

How China Remembers the Cultural Revolution

By Perry Link
50 years later, China still has yet to come to terms with Mao's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
Christianity in Mongolia

Christianity in Mongolia

By Martin de Bourmont
A look at how a foreign faith is adapting to Mongolian culture.

Signs and Symbols on the Sino-Russian Border

Signs and Symbols on the Sino-Russian Border

By Bruno Maçães
A rare glimpse at the border between China and Russia, on a recently divided island.
President Trump: The View From China

President Trump: The View From China

By Zhibo Qiu
Trump's overall policies are a mixed bag for China, but his stance on U.S. leadership opens doors for Beijing.

China’s Cultural Revolution at 50

China’s Cultural Revolution at 50

By Richard Curt Kraus
Conventional thinking on one of Communist China’s seminal events is often too simplistic.

What Can China Learn from Love Canal?

What Can China Learn from Love Canal?

By Kate Logan
Poisoned students at a school in Jiangsu stir up memories of a similar incident in the United States in the 1970s.

Re-Collecting China

Re-Collecting China

By Bill Callahan
A documentary film by Bill Callahan
The Iran-North Korea Connection

The Iran-North Korea Connection

By Samuel Ramani
Iran and North Korea have a long history of military cooperation and technology exchanges.

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