
East Asia

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Saving Taiwan's Marine Corps

Saving Taiwan's Marine Corps

By Grant Newsham and Kerry Gershaneck
Taiwan’s amphibious capabilities are becoming dangerously weak.
The Declining Power of Inter-Korean Reunions

The Declining Power of Inter-Korean Reunions

By Steven Denney
As historical memories fade, sympathy is waning.

The Rise and Fall of Shadow Banking in China

The Rise and Fall of Shadow Banking in China

By Sara Hsu
How shadow banking became the catch-all for riskier finance.

How Likely Is a Financial Crisis in China?

How Likely Is a Financial Crisis in China?

By Patrick Hess
A look at the financial risk factors in China and how successful the government has been in addressing them.

Wal-Mart Uprising: The Battle for Labor Rights in China

Wal-Mart Uprising: The Battle for Labor Rights in China

By Linda van der Horst
Wal-Mart is the latest frontier in China's nascent labor rights movement.
The Welcome Demise of China’s One-Child Policy

The Welcome Demise of China’s One-Child Policy

By Stephanie Gordon
The demographic impact might be marginal, but there are reasons to celebrate its end.

Moral Hazard and the US-ROK Alliance

Moral Hazard and the US-ROK Alliance

By Daniel A. Pinkston and Clint Work
As long as South Korea is embedded in America’s great power vision, certain issues will remain.
China and the ‘Magna Carta Moment’

China and the ‘Magna Carta Moment’

By Gabriel Collins
The work of civil courts may be gradually creating a robust foundation for individual rights.

Beyond Futenma: Okinawa and the US Base Conundrum

Beyond Futenma: Okinawa and the US Base Conundrum

By Shannon Tiezzi
The U.S. basing dispute on Okinawa goes much deeper than the debate over Futenma Air Station.

Gauging Japan’s ‘Proactive Contributions to Peace’

Gauging Japan’s ‘Proactive Contributions to Peace’

By Jeffrey W. Hornung
The rhetoric has been strong, but has it been matched by action.

Park Geun-hye’s Visit and the US-ROK Alliance

Park Geun-hye’s Visit and the US-ROK Alliance

By Daniel A. Pinkston and Clint Work
Where does the alliance stand after the South Korean president’s recent visit?
China: Projecting Power Through Peacekeeping

China: Projecting Power Through Peacekeeping

By Ryan Pickrell
World peace is an admirable goal, but states are rarely interested in pursuing it over their own interests.

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