
East Asia

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China’s AIIB and OBOR: Ambitions and Challenges

China’s AIIB and OBOR: Ambitions and Challenges

By Zhiqun Zhu
The two ambitious projects have become an integral part of Chinese diplomacy.
Japan’s Security Bills: Overpromising and Under-Delivering

Japan’s Security Bills: Overpromising and Under-Delivering

By Tom Le
The new security bills risk disappointing both opponents and proponents.

The Trouble With Japan's Defense Exports

The Trouble With Japan's Defense Exports

By Mina Pollmann
Opening Japan's defense industry to the international market is a significant step, but it won't happen overnight.

Abenomics 2.0: A Reform Reboot For Japan?

Abenomics 2.0: A Reform Reboot For Japan?

By Anthony Fensom
The Japanese PM turns his attention from defense to his economic program.

Could China Be About to Transform Its Military?

Could China Be About to Transform Its Military?

By John Costello
There has been talk of radical reform of decades. Finally, it looks like it might happen.
Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement, One Year Later

Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement, One Year Later

By Su-Mei Ooi and Megan Day
A year on, what can we learn from Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement?

Foreign Investors and China’s Naval Buildup

Foreign Investors and China’s Naval Buildup

By Gabriel Collins
Chinese shipbuilders are looking to international capital markets to fund their operations.
Why North Korea Can’t Be the Next Cuba

Why North Korea Can’t Be the Next Cuba

By Sam Cho
The U.S. has had diplomatic breakthroughs with Cuba and Iran. Don’t expect the same for North Korea anytime soon.

A Cold Summer for China and Russia?

A Cold Summer for China and Russia?

By Gregory Shtraks
Political relations between the two giants remain warm, but economic ties appear to be cooling.

What Now for China’s Afghanistan Strategy?

What Now for China’s Afghanistan Strategy?

By Andrew Small
Despite the blow to peace talks with the Taliban, China is unlikely to change its approach to Afghanistan or Pakistan.

Japan: Farewell to ‘One Country Pacifism’

Japan: Farewell to ‘One Country Pacifism’

By Eisuke Suzuki
Why it is time to part ways with the traditional interpretations of Article 9 of Japan’s Constitution.
The U.S.-China Summit: Decoding a Tower of Babel

The U.S.-China Summit: Decoding a Tower of Babel

By David M. Lampton
Washington and Beijing consistently send mixed messages about how they see the world, each other, and themselves.

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