
East Asia

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South China Sea Clash: Asia’s Dangerous Game

South China Sea Clash: Asia’s Dangerous Game

By Sreeram Chaulia
It is time for East Asia to step up cooperation to check expansionist tendencies.
What Japan Cannot Learn from Germany

What Japan Cannot Learn from Germany

By Stefano von Loë
Arguments that Japan need only adopt Germany’s attitude to its wartime past overlook a great deal of history.

China’s Reappearing Murder Victims

China’s Reappearing Murder Victims

By Robert Foyle Hunwick
When the victim of a ‘murder’ reappears, it shines an unforgiving light on a country's system of justice.

An End to the “Lost Decade” in Japan-North Korea Relations?

An End to the “Lost Decade” in Japan-North Korea Relations?

By Sebastian Maslow
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been taking steps to ease tensions between the two East Asian neighbors.

The Transformation of Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement

The Transformation of Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement

By Lorand C. Laskai
Nearly a month after it began, the movement has evolved in some interesting ways.
South Korea Grapples With Implications of Ferry Tragedy

South Korea Grapples With Implications of Ferry Tragedy

By John Power
The disaster has some South Koreans questioning the costs of the country’s impressive economic rise.

China’s Rare Earths Advantage

China’s Rare Earths Advantage

By Saurav Jha
An adverse WTO ruling will do little to upset the dominance China enjoys in this critical sector.
Reducing Tensions in East Asia

Reducing Tensions in East Asia

By Tsuneo Akaha
Historical grievances have China, Japan, Korea and Russia at an impasse. How might they move beyond it?

Courting Asia: China’s Maritime Silk Route vs America’s Pivot

Courting Asia: China’s Maritime Silk Route vs America’s Pivot

By Yukon Huang
Could the revitalization of an ancient trade route help ameliorate territorial disputes?

The Renminbi Goes Abroad

The Renminbi Goes Abroad

By Hamid Poorsafar
The internationalization of China’s currency is underway, albeit with some important hurdles still to clear.

US-Japan Relations and Obama’s Visit to Japan

US-Japan Relations and Obama’s Visit to Japan

By Yo-Jung Chen
Both countries face some delicate tasks during the US president’s stopover.
The Sources of US-China Strategic Mistrust

The Sources of US-China Strategic Mistrust

By J.M. Norton
The historical use of ambiguity has been at the foundation of postwar U.S.-China ties.

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