
BIMSTEC and the Nepal-India-China Triangle
By Biswas Baral
Pakistan, India, China; SAARC, BIMSTEC, BRI: A crowded political landscape for Nepal to navigate.

India-Thailand Military Ties in the Spotlight with Joint Exercise
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Bilateral army drills highlight ongoing defense ties between the two sides amid lingering challenges.

Sri Lanka's Opportunities to Counter Youth Radicalization
By Anishka De Zylva
Counter-radicalization is an important issue, and greater international engagement is needed.

A Promising Trilateral: India-Myanmar-Thailand
By Roshan Iyer
It's time to revive the free flow of people, capital and ideas around the Bay of Bengal.

Why Sheikh Hasina's Upcoming Visit to India Matters
By Sankalp Gurjar
The Bangladeshi PM's visit comes amid a push by India to increase its connectivity with eastern neighbors.

Is SAARC Doomed?
By Sankalp Gurjar
Rather than deal with Pakistan, India seems to be abandoning SAARC in favor of BIMSTEC.

Goa Summit Could Be the Turning Point for BIMSTEC
By Kamal Madishetty
"With Pakistan perennially playing spoilsport in SAARC, BIMSTEC can be expected to play a greater role."

2017 Might Mark a Turning Point for Connectivity in Northeast India
By Padmapriya Govindarajan
The Indian northeast's fortunes are looking up amid a concerted connectivity push.

BRICS, BIMSTEC, and Anti-Terrorism: What Did India Accomplish?
By Ashok Sajjanhar
India, as the host of the two latest summits, sought to further isolate Pakistan and promote anti-terrorism.

How India Can Lead South Asia's War on Terror
By Parnal Vats
The subregion can do much more to combat the threat, and India can lead these efforts.

How to Create a United Southern Asia
By Pritam Banerjee
A blueprint for integrating BIMSTEC and ASEAN through a Southern Asian Multi-Sectoral Regional Agreement.

Diplomatic Access: Bangladesh
By Diplomatic Access
Bangladesh's Ambassador Mohammad Ziauddin on regional connectivity, maritime disputes, and regional security threats.