Central Asia-Russia relations
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The Limits of Collective Security in Eurasia
By Evan Gottesman
Divergent interests in Russia’s dispute with Turkey and Armenia’s conflict with Azerbaijan restrict the CSTO.

Russia's Putin Finds Time for Central Asia Amid Birthday Celebrations
By Catherine Putz
Between airstrikes on Syria and ice hockey, Russian President Vladimir Putin made time for his Central Asian allies.
Russia Continues Inflating the ISIS Threat in Central Asia
By Casey Michel
ISIS is recruiting around the world, but Russian rhetoric boosts the threat of ISIS to the region beyond reality.

CSTO Gathers in Tajikistan, Talks ISIS
By Catherine Putz
Could Russian troops return to the Tajik-Afghan border? Only if asked.

Kyrgyzstan's Parliament Gets Ready for Election Season
By Catherine Putz
The campaigns can't begin until September, but 34 parties are planning to fight for a seat.
Are You a Foreign Agent in Kyrgyzstan?
By Catherine Putz
Human rights organizations worry that an impending law could stifle the country’s civil society.

Tajikistan and China to Trade… Felons
By Catherine Putz
Extradition among the region's states is common, so is torture.

Which Central Asian Leaders Are Attending Russia's Military Parade?
By Catherine Putz
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have recently rescheduled their Victory Day parades so their presidents can attend Russia’s.
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