Cultural Diplomacy

The Post-Pandemic State of Soft Power in Asia
By Daniele Carminati
Western nations still dominate, but the upper ranks of the index have grown increasingly more diverse in recent years.

5 Ways India Can Become a Soft Power Superpower
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
How can India work its way up global soft power rankings?

One Belt, One Road, One Heritage: Cultural Diplomacy and the Silk Road
By Tim Winter
The cultural aspects of the Belt and Road could forever reshape regional politics and security.

Storytelling, Cultural Spheres and the Senkaku Dilemma
By Jonathan DeHart
To what extent could a shared cultural sphere overcome bitter disputes and heal wounds from East Asia’s past?

“Half of the 6,000 plus spoken languages today will disappear by the end of the century.”
How America could play a vital role in preserving the many endangered languages of the Asia-Pacific.
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