EU-Afghanistan relations

Can the European Union Tackle Afghanistan’s Crises?
By Rahimullah Kakar
The EU has the capability to take a proactive diplomatic and political stance in managing the impending preventable socioeconomic and politico-security crises in Afghanistan.

Tajik President Emomali Rahmon’s European Tour
By Ana-Maria Anghelescu
European leaders concerned with Afghanistan’s security situation may see Tajikistan as a useful partner to limit refugee flows to Europe.

The Asymmetrical EU-Afghanistan Cooperation on Migration
By Mojib Rahman Atal
The EU’s persistent push for refugees to return to Afghanistan and efforts to fund reintegration programs fail to account for the country's ongoing instability.

Europe in Afghanistan: After Nearly 20 Years, What Has Been Achieved?
By Samina Ansari and Elliott Memmi
The EU says it will continue in its role as major peacebuilder, as well as peacemaker, for Afghanistan

Never Again? Europe’s False Human Rights Promise
By Mirwais Wakil
Forcing Afghanistan to take back people seeking asylum in EU territory is little short of complicity toward the slaughter of innocents.
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