
EU Should Keep China Arms Embargo
Some European nations want the 20-year embargo on sales to China lifted. Their arguments are strong, but the arguments for not lifting it are stronger.

EU Needs Creativity with Iran
The diplomatic tools for an EU breakthrough on Iran’s nuclear program are there, but creative use is needed.

A Blueprint for Solving the Iran Crisis
There’s much pessimism surrounding this week’s scheduled talks over Iran’s nuclear program. But a quid pro quo approach offers a solution.

How Europe Shies from Taiwan
Europe accounts for a fraction of Taiwan’s defense import needs. Expect things to stay that way.

Should Asia Try to Rescue Europe?
China can’t be expected to lead a rescue of Europe’s teetering economy. But as the risk of pain in Asia grows, some kind of concerted effort is looking essential.

Benchmarks for Burma
Burma’s government has pledged change, and there are signs something is really happening. But there are ways to measure the regime’s progress toward democracy.

Maritime Disaster Waiting to Happen
As sanctions bite against Iran, its national shipping line is believed to be putting unsafe ships to sea to try to beat them. Are Asian nations prepared for the costs of a disaster?

EU and China’s Tech Rise
Europe takes a very different approach than the US to addressing China’s rapid rise in science and technology.
How China Disappoints EU
Disappointed over human rights and the rule of law in China, don’t expect European leaders to lift the arms embargo.
Singapore Drives AFTA
An ASEAN free trade area has steered member countries toward a brighter future. Singapore leads the way.
EU Not on China’s Chessboard
European nations are making a mistake courting China, says John Lee. To maintain relevance they need to align with the US.