India economic growth

Coronavirus: The Threat to the Global Economy
By Anthony Fensom
From border closures to factory shutdowns, the epidemic threatens a heavy economic cost.

How the Modi Administration Is Hamstringing the Indian Economy
By Shezad Lakhani
Uncertainty and fear are sapping India’s economic potential.

New Year Resolutions for Asia’s Biggest Economies
By Anthony Fensom
How China, Japan, and India should look to keep their economies on track in 2020.

India’s Shaky Shadow Banks Give Modi a Financial Headache
By Yigal Chazan
Non-banking financial companies have been hit by a liquidity crunch that threatens to starve many businesses of credit.

What Is Wrong With India’s GDP Numbers?
By K.S. Venkatachalam
A recent paper sparked heated debate over the accuracy of India’s GDP growth figures.

Green Shoots Sighted for Asia’s Economies
By Anthony Fensom
Growth projections remain cautious, but there are promising signs Asia may be snapping out of its slowdown.

Asia’s Elections: Market Moving or More of the Same?
By Anthony Fensom
Predicting the economic impact of polls in Thailand, Indonesia, India, Australia, and more.

IMF Researcher: Global Growth Set to Recover Late 2019
By Maurits Elen
The improving health of emerging markets, including in Asia, is key to continued recovery in 2020.

Good Economic Times Are Over, Warns OECD
By Anthony Fensom
Amid trade tensions and global risks, warning bells are ringing over Asia’s growth forecast.

IMF: No Room for Complacency on Growth
By Anthony Fensom
The IMF warns that the current period of growth might not last long.

Gujarat Elections: A Warning for the BJP
By K.S. Venkatachalam
Is the election result in the Indian state of Gujarat a sign of things to come?

Asia To Stay World's Fastest-Growing Region Through 2030
By Anthony Fensom
Asia should remain the world's economic heavyweight for another 10 years.