India Semiconductor Mission

The Strategic Significance of India’s First National Security Semiconductor Plant
By Arvind Mohan
An agreement between India and the U.S. on a fab for semiconductors explicitly for use in defense technology is a seminal moment in the bilateral relationship.

Chip-Sourcing: India’s Semiconductor Moonshot
By Tushar Shetty
Pranay Kotasthane and Trinh Nguyen break down India’s ambitious plans to set up its own chip manufacturing ecosystem.

The Foreign Policy Connections of India’s Semiconductor Strategy
By Rahul Mishra and Harshit Prajapati
India’s mission to build up its semiconductor industry is closely tied to its foreign partnerships, like with the U.S. and Singapore.

Can India Emerge a Global Chip Powerhouse?
By Laraib Farhat
While capitalizing on its domestic tech skills, India will need to enter into collaborative tech alliances to make itself an integral part of the global semiconductor industry.
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