Ivory in China

China's Favorite Weapon in the War on Pollution: Mist Cannons
By Renske Buisman
“Mist cannons” are being used to fight smog, but are they a distraction from tackling the root causes of polluted air?

China's Uphill Battle Against the Ivory Trade
By Liu Qin
Five months after Xi Jinping promised to ban the ivory trade, what progress has China made?

China's Next Challenge: The Depletion of Global Natural Resources
By Elizabeth Economy
China is cleaning up its act at home, but will leaders be willing to tackle illegal environmental depredations abroad?

Chinese Officials Pulverize More Than 6 Tons of Illegal Ivory
By J.T. Quigley
China’s first large-scale ivory destruction was lauded by environmentalists, but more work is necessary.
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