Kazakhstan elections
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Western Whitewashing of Kazakhstan's Election
By Casey Michel
Not only was the recent election more of the same, but Astana seems to have roped the same experts into praising it.

Meet Kazakhstan's New Parliament, Same as the Old Parliament
By Catherine Putz
Exit polls point to an overwhelming Nur Otan victory, not that anyone expected anything else.

Is Kazakhstan Holding the World’s Most Boring Election?
By Catherine Putz
In other words, the “low-key” election will do nothing to infuse Astana with new ideas or fresh blood.

Kazakhstan’s Snap Elections: Watching the Watchers
By Casey Michel
Not all election monitors were created equal.

Why Kazakhstan Is Going to the Polls Early
By Erlan Idrissov
The country will hold parliamentary elections early to strengthen its resilience to the global economic crisis.

Why Is Kazakhstan Holding Early Parliamentary Elections?
By Catherine Putz
The president’s party already has a supermajority, so why hold snap elections?

Should We Stop Calling Kazakhstan an Autocracy?
By Catherine Putz
Nazarbayev says we should take Central Asia's culture and history into account and quit calling him an autocrat.

Understanding Kazakhstan’s Politics
By Dena Sholk
Nazarbayev’s overwhelming victory notwithstanding, change is taking place in Kazakhstan.
What Has Uzbekistan Worried?
By Catherine Putz
And other brief news updates from Central Asia

No Surprises in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
By Paolo Sorbello and Daniyar Kosnazarov
Stability triumphs over reform, as Karimov and Nazarbayev retain power in Central Asia.
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