LDP factions
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Tobias Harris on Abe Shinzo’s Continuing Influence in Japan
By Shannon Tiezzi
Over a year since his resignation, Abe's “power is substantial,” as is his legacy.

The Challenges Ahead for Japan’s Kishida Government
By Rupakjyoti Borah
Kishida came to power at a fraught time for Japan, both at home and in its foreign relations.

Japan’s Kishida: A Dove in Hawk’s Clothing?
By John Nilsson-Wright
The new Japanese prime minister will find it a challenge to unite his divided party while also winning the confidence of an increasingly skeptical electorate.

Is Japan’s New LDP Leader a Victory for the Party Establishment or a Risk?
By Thisanka Siripala
Kishida Fumio won the ruling party’s leadership election to become Japan’s next prime minister despite widespread public support for runner up Kono Taro.

Ghosts of the Past in the LDP Presidential Election
By Taro Tsuda
The backgrounds and formative influences of the candidates are a particularly rich trove of information, given the powerful role of factional lineages and dynastic politics in Japan.

The Arrival of Kishida Diplomacy?
By Daisuke Akimoto
If Kishida Fumio, Japan's longest-serving foreign minister, becomes prime minister, what will his foreign policy agenda look like?

The LDP’s Internal Race to Replace Abe Is Already Sparking Controversy
By Shamshad A. Khan
With the “scaled-down” presidential election, LDP’s intra-party politics comes to the fore.

What Japan's Elections Tell Us About a Post-Abe LDP
By Mina Pollmann
The results were an indication of ballot box strength, but Abe's pending Cabinet reshuffle will be equally telling.

Can Anyone Unseat Shinzo Abe?
By Mina Pollmann
Despite his scandals, Abe is well-positioned win the LDP's presidential election this fall.

What's China's View On Abe’s Latest Cabinet Reshuffle?
By Pengqiao Lu
Compared to the past, China has been relatively restrained in its criticism of Abe.

Abe's Cabinet Reshuffle, Explained
By Michael MacArthur Bosack
Despite a drastic public opinion slide, Abe's new cabinet was remarkably consistent.
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