Malaysia labor rights

US Lifts Ban on Imports From Major Malaysian Glove Manufacturer
By Sebastian Strangio
In late 2021, U.S. authorities barred goods manufactured by the company Smart Glove from entering the country due to its alleged use of forced labor.

Malaysia and its Efforts to Curb Human Trafficking
By Sheila Devi Michael
The government has created a promising action plan for resolving the country's human trafficking problem. Will it make any difference?

Former Workers Sue Multinational Firms Over Alleged Malaysian Labor Abuses
By Sebastian Strangio
Ansell Ltd and Kimberly-Clark Corp are accused of "knowingly profiting" from the use of trafficked labor by a key Malaysian supplier.

Malaysian Glove Maker Vows Reforms Following US Import Ban
By Sebastian Strangio
The country's reputation as a global black spot for forced labor could soon begin to affect its bottom line.

A Perennial Offender, Malaysia Need Not Be on US Forced Labor Watch List Forever
By Simon Tran Hudes and Danielle Fallin
Malaysia’s history of forced labor and mistreatment of migrant workers presents yet a hurdle to closer ties with Washington.

Malaysia Pledges Action After US Trafficking Demotion
By Sebastian Strangio
In its latest trafficking report, the U.S. State Department dropped Malaysia to "Tier 3," its lowest ranking.

Can Malaysia Solve Its Big Migrant Worker Challenge?
By Luke Hunt
While the government has cited labor as being an area of priority for reform, it faces an uphill task.
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