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Turkmenistan Says Russia Hasn’t Paid for Gas in 2015

By Catherine Putz
Kazakhstan has a press problem and other links.
Waiting for Godot in Turkmenistan

Waiting for Godot in Turkmenistan

By Catherine Putz
A train from Bishkek to Moscow, and other links.

Has Tajikistan Burned Too Many Bridges?

By Catherine Putz
Russia and Kazakhstan mull the right to be forgotten and Stroehlein is tired of excuses.

Hoarding Banned Soviet Art in Uzbekistan

By Catherine Putz
And the "discourse of danger" in Tajikistan, recommended reads.

Central Asia’s Environmental Sins

By Catherine Putz
The number of dead saiga antelope keeps climbing, and National Geographic profiles the depressing saga of Aral Sea.
Loving the Big Picture

Loving the Big Picture

Thirty-one Kim Jong-ils and a peek into China’s new ‘capital of cool.’

Vice in North Korea

Media group’s guide to one of ‘the planet’s most dangerous and weird destinations.’

No Dalai Lama Foodorama

No Dalai Lama Foodorama

The Dalai Lama and Obama didn’t share a meal. But if they had, it might’ve been steak.

Finding Something Good

When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence. -Ansel AdamsDespite being a writer myself, I continue to believe that a sensitive or timely image can sometimes replace swathes

Girls in School Shot (on film)

Upon seeing a photo from an essay titled ’14 Stunning Photos of Afghanistan’ earlier this week, I was reminded of how so many great, hard-to-find photos from around the world are actually shot by the US Army. It turns out (according to some on-line s

Artist Unchops a Tree

What is Missing? According to artist Maya Lin’s latest monument bearing this title, a lot of things-like all of the living species on earth that have or will become extinct within our lifetimes due to our rapid destruction of their natural habitats.&

Big in Korea? No, says Obama Foodorama

One of the most engaging food-politics fusion blogs I’ve come across (and I’m definitely not the only one who has taken notice) is Obama Foodorama, edited by Eddie Gehman Kohan. A web journal that manages, in a very readable way, to record any link b

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