Sri Lanka governance

Harini Amarasuriya: An Academician Rises to Sri Lanka’s Premiership
By Akhil Neelam
Her academic background could bring a depth of analysis to policymaking, while her activist roots keep her connected to grassroots concerns.

Where Does Sri Lanka’s Protest Movement Go From Here?
By Devana Senanayake
The primary demand of the 2022 protests – the removal of Gotabaya Rajapaksa from his role as president – has been achieved, but the secondary demand of “system change” has not.

Is Transformation Possible in Sri Lanka?
By Bhavani Fonseka
One year after the protests that ousted Sri Lanka’s president and government, reforms remain elusive and the national crisis is far from over.

IMF to Assess Sri Lankan Governance as Part of $3 Billion Bailout
By Krishan Francis
The country has the dubious distinction of being the first Asian country to face scrutiny for corruption as part of a bailout program.
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