
What Can We Learn From Kazakhstan’s Arms Deals?
By Stephen Blank
Recent transactions reflect some underlying trends in the global arms market.

China's Carrier-Based J-15 Begins Mass Production, Delivery
By Zachary Keck
China’s state media reports that its 4th generation multirole aircraft is being mass produced and delivered to the PLA.

Why Would Russia Sell China Su-35 Fighter Jets?
Given China’s history of stealing Russian defense technology, Moscow’s thinking is hard to understand.

Intellectual Property Meets Military Technology
Copying advanced foreign military systems has a long, distinguished history. What does the future hold?
The Limits of China's Fighter
China has announced that the new J-15 fighter will be carried aboard it first aircraft carrier, the Shi Lang.

How China’s Jets Threaten Russia
China’s suspected proclivity for copying weapons systems has made Russia wary of exporting its technology. Still, the Russians may one day end up with a taste for ‘Made in China’ hardware.
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