Indian Military Stepping Up
India’s Navy is playing a more co-operative role with other nations. It’s part of a broader diplomatic shift.
China's Troubling Syria Veto
China’s U.N. veto over Syria was striking because of how internationally isolated it is. So why did it do it?
Russia Does its Own Pivot
Russia is increasingly paying attention to developments in Asia. But are positions on Iran and Syria hurting it?
China, Russia in Risky Syrian Game
Chinese and Russian vetoes over condemning Syria have infuriated Western capitals. But the reasons for them are more complex than some realize.
Xi Jinping Arrives in U.S.
Xi Jinping, expected to succeed Hu Jintao as Chinese president, has arrived in the U.S. for key meetings.
Syria and the New Cold War
The unrest in Syria has underscored a broader Middle East game being played between the United States, Russia and China.
Syria Vote Shame
The decision by China and Russia to veto a U.N. resolution condemning the violence in Syria was indeed a travesty.
India Mans Up over Syria
India has decided to belatedly back sanctions against Syria. It’s a key move if it wants to be relevant at the U.N.
India’s Syria Folly
India’s failure to step over the atrocities in Syria is likely rooted in worries over its own domestic insurgencies.
Can North Korea Come in From Cold?
Will North Korea ever abandon its nuclear program? And who is it helping acquire weapons? The Diplomat speaks with leading North Korea analyst Mark Fitzpatrick.
Anti-Access Goes Global
China isn’t the only country interested in anti-ship missiles. They offer a cost-effective, asymmetric option.
Averting Syria's Coming Civil War
Syria is on the edge of a bloody civil war. With the U.S. discredited in the region, the BRIC nations may offer the best diplomatic chance for averting more bloodshed.