Technical Intern Training Program Japan

Japan’s Incremental Change in a De Facto Immigration Policy
By Kimiko Kuga
Japan has scrapped the controversial TITP scheme, but its replacement has the same problem: foreign workers are not considered immigrants.

COVID-19 Made Life Even Worse for Japan’s Foreign Trainees
By Moeka Iida
The situation of technical interns in Japan was already hard. For many, the situation has now become desperate.

How Japan’s Labor Trainee Program Hurts Relations With Vietnam
By Serena Ford
If Japan intends to keep relations warm with Vietnam, the government needs to scrap the long-troubled TITP, which stands accused of enabling labor rights abuses.

Why Japan Can't Criticize Trump's Refugee Ban
By Taisuke Komatsu
Trump's America isn't the only country turning its back on refugees. Japan is just as guilty.
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