U.S. rebalance
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Behind China’s Cool Response to Hillary’s 2016 Announcement
By Kevin Wang
Chinese have mixed feelings about the possibility of a Hillary Clinton presidency.

5 Ways the US Can Boost its Rebalance to Southeast Asia in 2015
By Prashanth Parameswaran
What should the Obama administration do to advance U.S. policy in Southeast Asia this year?

Still Looking for Obama’s Rebalance to Asia? Support a Deal with Iran.
By Scott Bates
Negotiations with Iran have many implications for US policy in the Pacific.

China and Strategic Imbalance
By Mohan Malik
‘This is the decade of power transitions in Asia.’

China and the U.S. Alliance System
By Timothy R. Heath
The U.S. is likely to find its system of alliances and partnerships in Asia an increasing source of contention with China.
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