January 24, 2012

Fatima Bhutto on Imran Khan
The niece of the late Benazir Bhutto surprises many at the Jaipur festival with a scathing critique of Imran Khan.

PMO Launches Twitter Account
The office of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has opened a Twitter account after a media team shuffle.

Pakistan Needs Nuclear Rethink
Pakistan’s military uses India as justification for its nuclear arsenal. But nuclear weapons are of little real use.
Iran’s Asymmetric Threat
Iran’s navy may not be a match for the U.S. on the high seas, but the Strait of Hormuz offers plenty of ways for it to make life tricky.

China's Tone Deaf Officials
A number of gaffes in recent years highlight how out of touch local Chinese Communist Party officials are.

Politics and Climate Change
Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney seems to have cooled on climate change. Do they mean what they say, or said?

Iran Gets Close to Iraq
With the U.S. military’s withdrawal from Iraq, Iran has been happy to step in as a new ally for Baghdad.