

Germany Is Phasing out Chinese Tech From 5G Networks. Is It the Right Call?

Germany Is Phasing out Chinese Tech From 5G Networks. Is It the Right Call?

By Aparna Divya
Germany’s decision to exclude ZTE and Huawei parts from its 5G networks stems from geopolitical anxieties and strategic concerns.

Monitoring China’s Mineral Stockpiling and Understanding Its Military Implications

Monitoring China’s Mineral Stockpiling and Understanding Its Military Implications

By Gregory Wischer and Morgan Bazilian
Discerning when China is stockpiling – and why – is increasingly challenging given China’s increasing secrecy about mineral-related information. 
North Korea’s Market Dilemma: Balancing Control and Revenue Generation

North Korea’s Market Dilemma: Balancing Control and Revenue Generation

By Lee Sang Yong
While markets remain regulated to varying degrees across regions, authorities appear focused on stimulating rather than shutting them down, likely as a means to raise funds.

Who Cares If Malaysia and Thailand Join BRICS?

Who Cares If Malaysia and Thailand Join BRICS?

By David Hutt
As it expands, the grouping has become increasingly incapable of articulating a coherent political, security, or economic vision.

Vietnam Allows Big Companies to Buy Clean Energy Directly to Meet Their Climate Targets

Vietnam Allows Big Companies to Buy Clean Energy Directly to Meet Their Climate Targets

By Aniruddha Ghosal
The government has lifted a regulation requiring all consumers of power to purchase it at fixed prices from the state utility EVN.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Thailand to Begin Enrollment for Massive Stimulus Program Next Month

Thailand to Begin Enrollment for Massive Stimulus Program Next Month

By Sebastian Strangio
The government will begin distributing 10,000 baht payments in the fourth quarter, but questions remain about the efficacy of the "digital wallet" program.

Myanmar Is Running Out of Gas. What Happens Next? 

Myanmar Is Running Out of Gas. What Happens Next? 

By Guillaume de Langre
The country's energy crisis is a direct result of its political crisis.
The ‘Corridorizing’ of Asia: Cooperation, Competition, and Consequences

The ‘Corridorizing’ of Asia: Cooperation, Competition, and Consequences

By Sophia Nina Burna-Asefi
Intense competition, epitomized by competing “corridors,” is emerging in Asia and beyond between the U.S., China, and Russia. 

Modi Government Focuses on Jobs Creation in First Budget After Winning Polls

Modi Government Focuses on Jobs Creation in First Budget After Winning Polls

By Sheikh Saliq
The proposed budget includes a $24 billion package for job creation over the next five years.

What Explains the Declining Reputation of Higher Education in Uzbekistan?

What Explains the Declining Reputation of Higher Education in Uzbekistan?

By Niginakhon Saida
There are many factors, but ultimately a college diploma no longer guarantees employment and the youth of Uzbekistan are skeptical of its necessity.

The Most Misunderstood – and Important – Factor in the AI Arms Race

The Most Misunderstood – and Important – Factor in the AI Arms Race

By Hadley Spadaccini
The increasing scarcity of computational resources is now defining China-U.S. AI competition more than algorithmic superiority. 
The Risks of China’s Loans to Uzbekistan

The Risks of China’s Loans to Uzbekistan

By Anastasia Galimova, Yura Park, Ch.Sabyrbek, and Navruz Karimov
The China Development Bank alone has loaned $2.2 billion to Uzbekistan, but there is virtually no publicly available information on the lending terms.

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