
October 2013

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love a German Arms Race

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love a German Arms Race

Halloween or not, The Naval Diplomat is not scared of a German arms race. Quite the opposite in fact.

iPad Air vs. iPad 4: Worth an Upgrade?

iPad Air vs. iPad 4: Worth an Upgrade?

What advantages does the latest Apple slate have over its predecessor?

Outrage Over NSA Spying Spreads to Asia

Outrage Over NSA Spying Spreads to Asia

More information about the NSA’s operations in Asia has come to light, sparking widespread outrage.

PRC Is Biggest Obstacle to Unification With Taiwan

PRC Is Biggest Obstacle to Unification With Taiwan

The dirty secret in cross-Strait relations: China’s political system is the biggest barrier to unification.

Preparing for a North Korean Collapse

Preparing for a North Korean Collapse

How the international community might fulfill its responsibility to prepare for the unthinkable.

The Nuclear Problem In India-Japan Relations

The Nuclear Problem In India-Japan Relations

By Ankit Panda
India and Japan need to address their profound difference in nuclear values.

Flawed Justice in Bangladesh

Flawed Justice in Bangladesh

By Sudha Ramachandran
The International Crimes Tribunal has its problems. But for many, flawed justice is better than none.
Malaysian University Lauds North Korean Economic Policy

Malaysian University Lauds North Korean Economic Policy

University censors criticism of controversial “honorary PhD” for Kim Jong Un.

Who Are the Uyghurs Really?

Who Are the Uyghurs Really?

After growing up in post-9/11 America, living among Uyghurs changed my perception of Muslims.

Japan’s LDP Mulls Tepco Breakup as Fuel Rods OK’d for Risky Removal

Japan’s LDP Mulls Tepco Breakup as Fuel Rods OK’d for Risky Removal

Abe panel suggests that utility is unfit to decommission the stricken plant.

Thailand Tops Foreign Worker Satisfaction Survey

Thailand Tops Foreign Worker Satisfaction Survey

Also: Korean trader’s suicide in Philippines, Cambodia’s poor ranking for start-ups. Thursday ASEAN links.

Resources Super Cycle “Far from Over”

Resources Super Cycle “Far from Over”

Some analysts argue that rumors of the death of the mining boom are exaggerated.

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