The Pulse

How Afghanistan’s Public Procurement Reform Is Changing

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The Pulse

How Afghanistan’s Public Procurement Reform Is Changing

What has changed, what has achieved and whose benefits are at stake?

How Afghanistan’s Public Procurement Reform Is Changing
Credit: DoD photo by Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Tim D. Godbee

As envisioned in his election manifesto and soon after being elevated as the new president of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani issued a legislative decree to reform public procurement of Afghanistan. The reform was initiated by merging the existing procurement entities and establishing a central regulatory body, the National Procurement Authority. It came at a time when the prolonged and disputed presidential election caused massive delays to the procurement process of development projects.

For a newly formed entity it was challenging to both establish itself and operate at the same time. Clearing the massive backlog of procurement, responding to the demands of both the procurement entities and the donors in terms of proceeding with the procurement of new projects, and dealing with the urgent need of security sector’s fuel and food contracts can be enumerated as major challenges.

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