The Diplomat | Author

Angela Erika Kubo
Angela Erika Kubo is The Diplomat’s Editorial Assistant in Tokyo.

March 12, 2014
Despite Western Music Ban, Iranians Rock On
By Angela Erika Kubo
Western culture faces political opposition in Iran, but that doesn’t stop people from enjoying some rock ‘n’ roll.

March 07, 2014
Thai Fishing Sector Rife with Abuse, According to Report
By Angela Erika Kubo
Migrant workers are often trafficked into Thailand’s billion-dollar seafood industry.

March 03, 2014
In Japan, Delivering Pizza Is No Easy Task
By Angela Erika Kubo
While Americans prefer a bit of simplicity, the Japanese want variety.

February 18, 2014
China Considers World’s Longest Underground Tunnel
By Angela Erika Kubo
The proposed tunnel would run across two earthquake fault lines, sparking concerns over safety.

February 14, 2014
Air New Zealand Faces Turbulence over Controversial Safety Video
By Angela Erika Kubo
Many have criticized the video for its “unoriginality” and use of Sports Illustrated swimsuit models.

February 13, 2014
South Korea Tightens Rules on International Marriages
By Angela Erika Kubo
The new measures are designed to crack down on mail order bride services.

February 07, 2014
New Law Puts Afghan Women at Risk for Domestic Violence
By Angela Erika Kubo
New legislation bans relatives of the accused from testifying against them.

February 04, 2014
“Gastronomic Voyeurism” is South Korea’s Latest Online Fad
By Angela Erika Kubo
People who dine in front of a webcam can make more than $9,000 a month.

January 22, 2014
China Opens Memorial Honoring Korean Independence Activist
By Angela Erika Kubo
The memorial has triggered strong protests from the Japanese government.

January 21, 2014
China’s Tiananmen Rocker Pulls Out of State TV Performance
By Angela Erika Kubo
Rather than censor himself, Cui Jian chose to not perform at all.

January 17, 2014
Burmese Military Faces Rape Allegations
By Angela Erika Kubo
A recent report reveals that the army has been using rape as “a tool of war.”

January 10, 2014
Iran Attempts to Reverse Its Falling Birth Rate
By Angela Erika Kubo
Not even gold coins can convince couples to have more children.
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