The Diplomat | Author

Benjamin David Baker
Benjamin David Baker is an editorial assistant at The Diplomat.
Benjamin David Baker is an editorial assistant at The Diplomat. He is currently serving as a reserve officer in the Norwegian Armed Forces and has previously worked and published at the International Law and Policy Institute and the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment. He received his Master of Arts from the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy at the School of Oriental and African Studies, where he focused mainly on Chinese Foreign and Security Studies. He writes mainly on military affairs, China, the Indian Ocean, and the Arctic.
Follow Benjamin on Twitter here.

March 05, 2016
What Does Australia's Defense White Paper Actually Say?
By Benjamin David Baker
When reading Australia's latest defense white paper, it's prudent to take stock of the greater picture.

January 20, 2016
Meet Chengdu's Ace Fighter Designer
By Benjamin David Baker
Yang Wei might be an unfamiliar name to most observers, but his aircraft, and his underlying philosophy towards designing them, isn't.

January 19, 2016
What If the Australians Had Lost the Kokoda Trail Campaign?
By Benjamin David Baker
A few poorly trained and equipped Australian militiamen won one of the Pacific War’s most improbable victories.

January 09, 2016
A False Start for Sino-Pakistani JF-17 Thunder?
By Benjamin David Baker
Malaysia publically declares that it is not considering the JF-17. How come?

January 08, 2016
What If Japan Had Won The Battle of Midway?
By Benjamin David Baker
One of the most decisive battles of the Second World War could have ended up very differently. Be glad it didn’t though.

January 04, 2016
Sino-Norwegian Relations, 5 Years After Liu Xiaobo's Nobel Peace Prize
By Benjamin David Baker
A new book reveals that the story of the strange dispute between Oslo and Beijing is actually not that new.

December 24, 2015
What if the Kuomintang Had Won the Chinese Civil War?
By Benjamin David Baker
What would China’s history look like if Chiang Kai-shek had ignored George C. Marshall’s request in 1946?

December 23, 2015
The Sino-Pakistani JF-17 Might Have Another Buyer in Asia
By Benjamin David Baker
Malaysia recently expressed an interest in the JF-17 Thunder.

December 19, 2015
China Deploys First Nuclear Deterrence Patrol
By Benjamin David Baker
China reportedly deployed its first-ever submarine nuclear deterrence patrol. What does it mean?

December 16, 2015
Taking Stock of North Korea's Nuclear Program
By Benjamin David Baker
The latest comments by the country's leader need to be taken with more than a pinch of salt.

December 10, 2015
Is a Chinese National Fighting Against Islamic State in Syria?
By Benjamin David Baker
A Chinese national is fighting for the YPG. How does this affect Beijing’s role in the conflict?

December 09, 2015
Russian Jet Fighters in Asia: Why Politics Still Matters
By Benjamin David Baker
Moscow faces competition in attempting to sell its most modern jet in Asia. Its best selling point is still politics.
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