The Diplomat | Author

Greg Austin
Dr Greg Austin is a Professorial Fellow with the EastWest Institute in New York and a Visiting Professor at the University of New South Wales (Canberra).
Dr Greg Austin is a Professorial Fellow with the EastWest Institute in New York and a Professor at the Australian Centre for Cyber Security at the University of New South Wales, Canberra, at the Australian Defence Force Academy. He is the author or editor of six books on Asian security. His other research interests include Russia and European security, Central Asia, preventive diplomacy, and countering violent extremism. He has a special interest in ethics and international affairs.

July 11, 2018
How Good Are China’s Cyber Defenses?
By Greg Austin
The foundations of China's cyber defenses remain weak.

July 08, 2017
Explaining Australia’s Sharp Turn to Information Warfare
By Greg Austin
How Australia's military is gearing up for information warfare.

June 23, 2017
Next Islamic State: Australia’s Indonesia Challenge
By Greg Austin
Australia needs a new strategic approach to countering terrorism in Indonesia.

June 16, 2017
Defeating the Next Islamic State (in Southeast Asia?)
By Greg Austin
We need to devise a plan for the containment of the next revolutionary Islamic State.

May 18, 2017
Australia's Military to Develop Cyber-Enabled Warfare Doctrine
By Greg Austin
The Australian military's cyber shake-up, 20 years overdue, brings big problems and some windfall gains.

December 29, 2016
Australia’s Enemies: Looking Where the Light Shines Brightest
By Greg Austin
Terrorists, China’s military and Muslim boat people are not the main security threats to the country’s well-being.

November 01, 2016
The US Will Win the Cyber War With China in 2017
By Greg Austin
It is now time to focus more on the ways in which cyber military capability can transform military power in wartime.

October 26, 2016
Evaluating China’s Cyber Power
By Greg Austin
China's approach to a nationally framed cyber power is self-defeating.

October 20, 2016
Avoiding Groupthink on China
By Greg Austin
What we know and don’t know about China’s foreign and military policies.

September 01, 2016
How Australia Needs to Manage its Relationship With China
By Greg Austin
Corrective action is needed to avoid serious damage to Australian ties with China.

August 12, 2016
China and Ausgrid: Are Australia's National Security Concerns Justified?
By Greg Austin
The Ausgrid decision is justified but more transparency is needed.

May 31, 2016
Australia’s Careful Dance in the South China Sea
By Greg Austin
Is Canberra ‘toeing the line’ with the United States on East Asia’s maritime disputes?
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