The Diplomat | Author

Robert E. Kelly
Dr. Robert E. Kelly is an associate professor of international relations in the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy at Pusan National University in South Korea. His research interests focus on security in northeast Asia, US foreign policy, and the international financial institutions. He has written for outlets including Foreign Affairs, the European Journal of International Relations, and the Economist, and he has spoken on television news services including BBC and CCTV. His personal website/blog is here; his Twitter page is here.

November 04, 2016
South Korea's Most Bizarre Corruption Scandal Yet
By Robert E. Kelly
The South Korean presidential scandal is unique for its sheer weirdness.

March 01, 2016
South Korea’s Nuclear Temptation
By Robert E. Kelly
Should South Korea develop its own nuclear weapons capability?

August 04, 2015
Why an Iran Deal for North Korea Won’t Happen
By Robert E. Kelly
Tempting though the prospect might be, it is highly unlikely.

April 13, 2015
South Korea’s THAAD Decision
By Robert E. Kelly
Seoul is coming under pressure from all sides on the question of missile defense.

March 06, 2015
Will South Korea Have to Bomb the North, Eventually?
By Robert E. Kelly
As North Korea expands its nuclear arsenal, will Seoul have to consider targeting missile sites at some point?

February 27, 2015
The Koreas, Diplomacy, and Regional Autonomy
By Robert E. Kelly
The days of Korea as the geopolitical football of the region are long gone.

December 04, 2014
2014 in Review: Top 5 Events for U.S. Foreign Policy in Asia
By Robert E. Kelly
A look at some of the biggest issues confronting U.S. diplomats over the course of the year.

November 13, 2014
Will Islamic State Cripple the Pivot?
By Robert E. Kelly
America’s inability to stop fighting in the Middle East has serious implications for its Asia policy.

October 09, 2014
Russia: Between Empire and Modernity
By Robert E. Kelly
As it bullies its neighbors, Russia seems to have chosen a short-sighted approach to power.

September 22, 2014
Is There an Obama Doctrine?
By Robert E. Kelly
In year 6 of his presidency, does Barack Obama have a foreign policy doctrine?

August 07, 2014
Can China Legitimate Its Would-Be Hegemony in Asia?
By Robert E. Kelly
It may dominate the region, but would Chinese hegemony be something more than despotism?

July 25, 2014
Uber and Classic Asian Mercantilism
By Robert E. Kelly
Seoul’s decision to ban a popular app is the latest of many examples of mercantilist policies in Asia.
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