The Diplomat | Author
Rohan Joshi
Rohan Joshi (@filter_c) is a fellow at the Takshashila Institution, focusing on Indian strategic affairs and foreign policy towards Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Middle East. He is also a contributing panel columnist at Pragati — The Indian National Interest Review.

February 15, 2019
Pulwama Attack: Pakistan Has Miscalculated India’s Resolve Yet Again
By Rohan Joshi
India has a range of options available to it.

August 25, 2017
Trump’s Afghanistan Policy: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
By Rohan Joshi
U.S. President Donald J. Trump's plan for Afghanistan leaves several open questions.

February 01, 2017
Onward and Upward: India-UAE Ties
By Rohan Joshi
India and the United Arab Emirates look forward to a new era in bilateral ties.

November 11, 2016
What Does a Trump Presidency Mean for India?
By Rohan Joshi
How will the next U.S. president treat India?

August 10, 2016
Bridging the Gulf: Securing India’s Migrant Workers in the Middle East
By Rohan Joshi
How can the Indian government move to improve the lot of its migrant workers in the Middle East?

July 07, 2016
Dhaka Hostage Crisis: Anatomy of a Terror Attack
By Rohan Joshi
The terror landscape in Bangladesh merits close scrutiny after the Gulshan hostage crisis.

June 21, 2016
The Torkham Incident: Why Afghanistan and Pakistan Exchanged Fire
By Rohan Joshi
The tensions that led to an explosion of hostilities across the Afghan-Pakistan border have been long simmering.

May 25, 2016
Chabahar and Beyond: Was Modi’s Visit to Iran a Game Changer?
By Rohan Joshi
The Modi government has rightly moved quickly to capitalize on the opportunities of Iran’s mainstreaming.

May 09, 2016
After F-16 Fiasco, US-Pakistan Ties Are Due to Head South Again
By Rohan Joshi
The ongoing imbroglio over the sale of F-16s highlights deeper fissures between Washington and Islamabad.

March 31, 2016
After Lahore: The Truth About Terrorism and Pakistan
By Rohan Joshi
Despite the senseless violence in Lahore over the weekend, change does not appear to be forthcoming in Pakistan.

March 15, 2016
Making Sense of Pakistan’s Intelligence Tip-off to India
By Rohan Joshi
India should welcome Pakistani inputs on possible terror attacks without over-interpreting their significance.
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