The Diplomat | Author

Steven Denney
Steven Denney is a doctoral student in the department of political science at the University of Toronto. He is the managing editor of the research site Sino-NK and holds an MA in Global Affairs and Policy from Yonsei University. Steven’s research interests span two fields: politics and society of Korea and political culture. The former interest speaks to his inner Koreanist while his disciplinary training drives the latter.
Follow him on Twitter: @StevenDenney86.

March 01, 2019
South Korean Conservatives: What Now?
By Steven Denney
Can South Korea’s once-strong right recover from damaging scandals and infighting?

February 24, 2017
South Korea at a Crossroads
By Steven Denney
As a president’s fate hangs in the balance, South Korea is in a state of pervasive political uncertainty.

January 16, 2016
Young South Koreans' Realpolitik Attitude Towards the North
By Steven Denney
Young South Koreans are more likely to be hawkish toward North Korea -- particularly in the face of provocations.

January 06, 2016
Why the 'Comfort Women' Deal Will Hold
By Steven Denney
With popular support, the Japan-South Korea comfort women agreement seems likely to succeed.

January 02, 2016
2015 Ends on a Higher Point for South Korea's President Park
By Steven Denney
Despite a number of scandals, South Korea's president saw her approval rating climb in 2015.

December 31, 2015
An Identity Crisis for South Korea's Opposition
By Steven Denney
A high-profile defection highlights the way personal politics stifle Korean democracy.
December 11, 2015
South Korea’s Labor Protests Weren’t an Aberration
By Steven Denney
South Korea's labor protests should come as no surprise -- and you can expect more to follow.

November 30, 2015
Kim Young-sam’s Legacy
By Steven Denney
Placing the life of a Korean president in context.

November 19, 2015
The Declining Power of Inter-Korean Reunions
By Steven Denney
As historical memories fade, sympathy is waning.

November 10, 2015
Number of Irregular Workers Continue to Rise in South Korea
By Steven Denney
South Korea's economic inequality keeps getting worse.

October 31, 2015
How South Korea's Growing Multiculturalism Could Complicate Unification
By Steven Denney
A new report underscores the challenges of integrating "new Koreans" in the event of national unification.

October 24, 2015
Multicultural Korea and Its Discontents
By Steven Denney
The number of multicultural South Korean families has doubled since 2007.
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