The Diplomat | Author

Xie Tao
Xie Tao is professor and dean of the School of International Relations and Diplomacy at Beijing Foreign Studies University.
XIE Tao is professor and dean of the School of International Relations and Diplomacy at Beijing Foreign Studies University. His research interests include Congress, public opinion, and China-U.S. relations. He has published extensively in both Chinese and English.
He holds a PhD in political science from Northwestern University (2007). He is the author of U.S.-China Relations: China Policy on Capitol Hill (Routledge 2009) and Living with the Dragon: How the American Public Views the Rise of China (with Benjamin I. Page, Columbia University Press, 2010). He has also published several articles in the Journal of Contemporary China, including “What Affects China’s National Image? A Cross-national Study of Public Opinion” (September 2013). He is a frequent guest at CCTV News, BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera, and China Radio International.

April 14, 2020
How the West Failed the Rest in the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Xie Tao

October 01, 2019
China at 70: The Growing Pains of a Rising Power
By Xie Tao

November 23, 2018
Why a Democratic House Is Not Good News for China
By Xie Tao

August 22, 2018
How China Is Polarized by America
By Xie Tao

June 19, 2018
China-North Korea Relations After the Trump-Kim Summit
By Xie Tao

April 02, 2018
When America Stands up to China
By Xie Tao

November 14, 2017
How Trump Became an Old Friend of the Chinese People
By Xie Tao

August 25, 2017
Australia’s China Choice
By Xie Tao

April 11, 2017
China in Africa: What's the Real Story?
By Xie Tao

March 17, 2017
Can China and India Warm Up to Each Other?
By Xie Tao

March 14, 2017
How Did Myanmar’s Reforms Change Its Relations With China?
By Xie Tao