March 29, 2011

Why Fukushima Isn’t Like Chernobyl
Despite media hype about the radiation dangers, the Fukushima nuclear crisis won’t end like Chernobyl, Alexander Sich tells The Diplomat.

Lao Death Sparks Thai Outrage
A car accident involving the death of a young Lao girl is a reminder of class divisions in Thailand.

China's Earthquake Response
The reaction to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan has been mostly sympathetic.
Fukushima Farmer Takes Life
A farmer in Fukushima kills himself when told that he can’t sell his cabbage crop for fears of contamination.

A New Japan?
Naoto Kan calls for a new Japan to emerge from the crisis, and we revamp our Japan blog in agreement.

Queen Mayawati?
Investment in Lucknow’s infrastructure is welcome. But there’s something too regal about Mayawati’s style.
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