April 28, 2011

Thai Art in Bangkok
In Bangkok, one of Thailand’s top art universities is one of the best places to find home-grown talent.
Getting Lucky in India
Info Edge’s Sanjeev Bikhchandani has lots to say about luck and perseverance. Civil society should take note.

Why China’s Crackdown is Selective
The Chinese government may be cracking down hard on dissent. But some protesters are treated more gently than others, argues Minxin Pei.

Najib’s Email Gift
The Malaysian government’s proposed 1Malaysia email accounts are coming in for some heavy criticism.

Najib’s Email Gift
The Malaysian government’s proposed 1Malaysia email accounts are coming in for some heavy criticism.

India’s Once & Future Sea Power
Does India have a grand maritime narrative? Its navy will be disadvantaged if strategy is devised on the hoof.
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