May 23, 2011
Microfinance and Young Indonesia
The problems at Grameen Bank and in India have hurt the image of microfinance. It’s still a good bet for Indonesia.

Why China’s Leaders Fear Inflation
With the Communist Party leadership transition coming next year, China’s leaders are nervous about anything that could stoke instability.

The Problem with Amakudari
The problems with TEPCO are another reminder of the shortcomings of the principle of amakudari.

Why Chinese Make Bad Managers
Why China’s success at school test-taking often doesn’t translate into a flair for people management.

Peepli Live in Bhatta and Parsaul
Rahul Gandhi has created a political storm with claims over police brutality in Uttar Pradesh.
US Drones vs China
China’s military has been focusing on an area-denial strategy. Could US drones overcome this?
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