July 28, 2011

Japan Courts South America
With growing concerns over its energy security, Japan is increasingly looking at MERCOSUR as an alternative to nuclear power and the Middle East.

Christians Under Fire in Laos
Officials in northern Laos bar Christians from meeting in private as part of a broader crackdown on the religion.
China Confirms Carrier Plans
China confirms details of the refitting of its first aircraft carrier the Shi Lang, and plans to develop its own vessel.

AirSea Battle and Escalation
Does the AirSea Battle concept risk dangerously escalating any confrontation between China and the US?

Khar Charms India
Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar takes a welcome upbeat approach to talks in New Delhi.

Inside Indonesia’s 'Burning Forests'
Indonesia’s rainforests are being torn down at an alarming rate. Ulara Nakagawa reports on the pressures locals face from the palm oil industry.