August 12, 2011

Why China’s Free-Riding Is OK
Critics argue that China’s failure to contribute troops to Iraq and Afghanistan mean it’s reaping the economic rewards without the security pain. It’s not so simple.

Cambodia Land Deal Condemned
The World Bank criticizes a Cambodian land deal that has displaced thousands of poor residents from around a lake.

Wang Lihong and Protest
Wang Lihong’s trial is a reminder of the determination of China’s leadership to crack down. And of growing opposition.

Krishna Strikes Again
External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna causes more controversy after misunderstanding details of a court case.

China's Micro-Blog Revolution
The Chinese government’s response to the train crash in Wenzhou left a gaping hole for new media to fill.

Japan and South Korea’s Rocky Row
Reports that Japan is considering taking the Dokdo/Takeshima dispute to the ICJ risk further inflaming tensions with South Korea. Neither side seems likely to give in.