September 2011

Terror Looms Over Pakistan Ties
Attacks claimed by the East Turkestan Islamic Movement raise the prospect of tension between China and Pakistan.

Russia's Submarine Woes
Russia has launched the first of a new class of nuclear-powered attack submarines. Don’t get too excited though.

Cambodia's Overcrowded Prisons
Cambodia’s prisons are growing dangerously uncrowded, a human rights group claims. And it’s getting worse.

US Air Force Faces Reality
A top US general outlines his priorities for the US Air Force as the service is forced to confront tight budgets.

Benchmarks for Burma
Burma’s government has pledged change, and there are signs something is really happening. But there are ways to measure the regime’s progress toward democracy.

Dalai Lama Hits Out
The Dalai Lama issues a firm statement saying that China should have no say in the succession issue.

US Takes Gloves Off With Pakistan
Admiral Mike Mullen’s warning that Pakistan is using extremism as an instrument of policy marked a major change in US tone. Will Pakistan respond?

Is the US Destabilizing Asia?
At a time of uncertainty, the Asia-Pacific should stick with the security guarantees that have brought it relative peace and prosperity. It’s too soon to count the US out.
Yingluck and Foreign Policy
The Thai opposition looks like it might try to score foreign policy points against Yingluck Shinawatra. It probably won’t.

Russia Launches War Games
Russia and Central Asian nations launch a major set of war games. But are they aimed at internal or external threats?

A Belated IM Decision
The US decision to designate the Indian Mujahideen a terrorist outfit is welcome, if very late coming.

South China Sea Peace Zone?
The Philippines pushes for a united front in the South China Sea – and calls for a zone of peace and co-operation.