January 7, 2011
Asian-American Fashion Wave
Asian-American fashion designers are big in the fashion world now. How might fame be harder for them to cope with?

Burma: Where Old Is New, Again
Despite the release of Aung San Suu Kyi and a new name, Burma’s the same. But it’s not the only problem country in Asia.
China’s Over-Hyped Stealth Jet
China’s first fifth-generation, J-20 fighter plane could shake up the Pacific order, writes David Axe. But it probably won’t.

Should Japan Just Relax?
Commentators are always quick to warn of Japan’s impending demise. But are things really as bad they’re made out?

China Rethinks Nuclear Posture?
A news agency reports that China might consider launching pre-emptive nuclear strikes. Is it really shifting policy?
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