January 3, 2012

India’s Lost Icons
Last year saw the loss of entertainment icons Shammi Kapoor and Jagjit Singh among others. They’ll be missed.
Manhandling Diplomacy
Some deft diplomacy over the case of an Indian diplomat who collapsed in China prevents an ugly incident.

India’s Response to China’s Rise
India needs to be more proactive in developing a strategic and military plan for responding to China’s rise.

India’s Response to China’s Rise
India needs to be more proactive in developing a strategic and military plan for responding to China’s rise.

Lessons of the War of 1812
Remote powers have a limited capacity to project sea power. There are lessons here for Asian strategists.

What Finland Shows China, U.S.
The U.S. and Chinese education systems seem to be converging. Both could learn something from Finland.

Iran’s Empty Threats
Iran’s military could probably make life uncomfortable for the U.S. in the Strait of Hormuz. But the downsides far outweigh the advantages of trying.
Mullah Omar: Last Man Standing
Osama bin Laden is dead, but his close ally and Taliban chief Mullah Omar still complicates the future of Afghanistan.