February 29, 2012

Will North Korea Stick to Deal?
Does the North Korea nuclear deal mark a shift of mood? Korea analyst L. Gordon Flake gives his take.

Terrorism Center Failure
The problems that have hit plans for a new counter-terrorism center reflect broader Congress Party failings.

Will India Boycott the Olympics?
Talk of India boycotting the Olympics is a reminder of how the Bhopal disaster still haunts the country.

U.S., North Korea in Nuclear Deal
North Korea has reportedly agreed to suspend its uranium enrichment program. Will it stick to the deal?

China’s Misguided Religious Battle
The Communist Party shows no sign of letting up in its battle with religion. Indeed, for Buddhists at least, things are getting worse.

China Shuts Down GE Rice?
China’s State Council releases a ground-breaking draft proposal on genetically engineered grain seeds.

Romney Wins Michigan
Mitt Romney wins the crucial Republican primary state of Michigan, with Rick Santorum coming in second.

Singapore's Populist Budget
The ruling People’s Action Party has presented a populist looking budget for Singapore. Is that a bad thing?

The Danger of Patriotic Geeks
Governments in Asia may see patriotic hackers as the answer to their cyber vulnerabilities. But cyber militias will likely only destabilize the region.

Yang Comes Calling
Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi is visiting New Delhi to discuss ties with India. There’s plenty to talk about.