March 2, 2012

Lebanon Makes History
Football is a rare unifying force for Lebanon. Thanks to South Korea, the World Cup finals could be as well.

Malaysia's Right Wing Problem
Lively civil society is welcome. But is Malaysia’s government turning a blind eye to extremist voices?

India's Achilles' Heel
India’s economy and its military have made rapid strides. But threats to energy security could undermine this.

What Iran’s Election Means
Iranians are heading to the polls for parliamentary elections. The results will give a big clue about Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s intentions.

Asylum Seeker Numbers Soar
Improved weather conditions are seeing the number of asylum seekers heading for Australia soaring.

Playing Politics on North Korea
Yesterday’s U.S. deal with North Korea has plenty of people talking. It would be better if some weren’t.

Prof. Tom Nichols
This week, Prof. Tom Nichols of the U.S. Naval War College answers readers’ questions about Iran’s nuclear program, U.S. arms spending and whether Israel should try a military strike.
North Korea: Tactics vs Strategy
The deal between the U.S. and North Korea was a good tactical step. But a strategic approach is needed.