China Power

Can China Help Save Syria?

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China Power

Can China Help Save Syria?

Much of the U.S. attention over pressuring Syria has been on Russia. But China may have a key role to play.

As the international community considers how to respond to the recent massacre of 108 civilians in the Syrian town of Houla, many eyes are focused on the position of Russia. This makes sense, given Moscow’s strategic interests in Syria, and its reluctance to approve international sanctions in the past. Yet attention should also be given to attitudes in China, which not only holds a permanent seat at the U.N. Security Council, but also has significant economic leverage at its disposal.

It’s understandable that observers, including Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, should encourage the Obama administration to redouble its pressure on Moscow. Russia, after all, is the Syrian government’s top arms supplier, and maintains a link to the Mediterranean through its naval base at Tartus.

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