May 2013
North Korea Fires Short-Range Missiles
After a period of quiet, North Korea appears to have followed through on threats to conduct a missile test.
Budgets: New Zealand 1, Australia 0?
New Zealand is doing better than its traditional trans-Tasman rival at getting its budget in order. But Australia’s post GFC performance is still impressive.
Russia's Forthcoming "Terrorist-Killer Robots"
The DPRK has 200 mobile missile launchers and other top defense articles for your weekend.
The Insurgent’s Playbook: Start Cumulative, Go Sequential
A weak combatant cuts a stronger adversary down in size, while amassing the wherewithal to prevail.
Japan Surprises with First-Quarter GDP
Abenomics provides consumption boost, although investment lags.
Why Japan Should Ignore China’s Okinawa Provocation
Nationalists are seeking leverage for the Senkaku/Diaoyu dispute. Japan shouldn’t play into their hands.
No Strings Attached? Evaluating China’s Trade Relations Abroad
China’s trade clout with the developing world may be influencing foreign policy issues.
North Korea Pushes Ahead on Agricultural Reforms
Kim Jong-Un appears committed to limited agricultural reforms. These are doomed to fail.
U.S. Chief of Naval Operations: 11 Littoral Combat Ships to Asia by 2022
The U.S. Navy plans to send 11 LCS to the Pacific. Questions remain.
An Indo-Pacific Treaty: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?
Indonesia’s foreign minister calls for a regional Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation. The idea has merit.
Revising the Japanese Constitution
Amending Article 9 may seem logical, but it could have implications for the way Japan sees itself.
Richard Haass
The Diplomat’s Harry Kazianis spoke with Richard Haass, President of the Council of Foreign Relations and author of Foreign Policy Begins at Home: The Case for Putting America’s House in Order, which calls for the U.S. to restore balance in its foreign policy, from Afghanistan to China, and rebuild the nation’s foundations at home.