May 2013
The Pacific Alliance: The Americas' Bridge to Asia?
As a new Latin American trade bloc looks east, will it live up to its great expectations in the Asia-Pacific?
U.S.-Chinese Militaries Cooperate On… Opera Singing?
Plus how to tell if you are a liberal imperialist. The Diplomat rounds up the best material on defense and foreign policy from across the web.
Eurasia Is for Hugging
With the right cartography, the pivot isn’t the U.S. abandoning Europe for Asia but hugging Eurasia.
Xbox One (ex 720) Unveiled, Release Date Still a Mystery
The much awaited console is unveiled, but key questions remain unanswered.
The US Marine Corps in the Pivot to the Pacific
The centerpiece of the U.S. Pivot to the Pacific, the Marines are moving forward.
Chinese Premier Li’s Visit to Pakistan: Hope Meets Reality
As the U.S. presence in the region scales down, how strong is the Islamabad-Beijing alliance?
Bursting the Imran Khan Bubble
Although falling short of expectations in Pakistan’s elections, the former cricketer gets a chance to govern.
Can India and China Shake Hands Across the Himalayas?
It is time for New Delhi to unshackle its relationship with Beijing from the past.
Sanjay Kumar
The Diplomat’s Jonathan DeHart spoke with Sanjay Kumar, our New Delhi-based correspondent, about the radical changes taking place among South Asian youth, and what they mean for the region’s future.
The Case of Chai Rachawat: Internet Freedom According to Yingluck Shinawatra
A Thai cartoonist has been sued and charged for offending the nation’s PM.
Is China Inserting Itself Into the Taiwan-Philippines Spat?
3 Chinese ships and 10 fishing boats patrolled the Spratly Islands this week, prompting a rebuke from Manila.
Samsung Galaxy Note 3: What We Think We Know
This is shaping up to be a big year for smartphones at Samsung. Here we look at the Samsung Galaxy Note 3.